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In We Were the Lucky Ones Georgia Hunter tells us that a Jewish woman was taken away in the night to a hospital to...
“The State of Israel does not exist because of the Holocaust, but with the survival of the State of Israel, there will never be...
Trump is not with the families of victims and survivors of Santa Fe High School in Texas. He prefers to attend a campaign rally...
I chose to sit out the Trump years forced by the hate that he spread across the United States and around the world.
Americans can learn much from the powerful statement of Nir Barkat now. Only three percent of the people in Jerusalem carry guns.
In Cold Blood* (1967) and In Cold Blood (2018): Trump Fails US and So Does the N.R.A. The Founding Fathers and Trump have deceived...
I wrote about stopping the costly wall days ago in the Jewish Business News, but nobody in Trump’s meeting mentioned that. A few attendees...
@NeverAgainMSD Those youth are our future and they know what to do. They are now activists in the mold of Civil Rights’ activists who...