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Hitler diverted attention by talking about Jews. leftists, and communists. Trump attacks the press and uses patriotism to divert attention.
Almost 1,000 NAACP student activists from all across the country attend the historic March For Our Lives Rally. It proves that youth are aware...
Banning the box must have helped make communities less dangerous and education is getting more and more important in the 21st century. Employers who get...
Jake Novak of CNBC pointed out in late 2016 that Donald Trump was doing his best to emulate General George Patton, an American hero....
#Me Too $$$ = A Revolt Against Trump and Republicans for Their Tax Reform
Not a tweet about the killings in Puerto Rico as the White House appears seriously distracted. Far from the Plaza de Toros of...
Instead of MAGA we have much more of MTFT or More Trouble For Trump
I can be neutral, Donald Trump told an audience during an MSNBC town hall, and I sat in disbelief as I read about it. This...
After Pershing Square Holdings losses at Valeant Pharmaceuticals $4 billion, Bill Ackman said he will probably stay away from pharmaceutical companies.
This might sound crazy, but automobile was the focal point of the building. The buyers of units each own about 15 cars—at least one...