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Search results for "Check Point"


Crispify’s system checks the air for viruses and is already used by AVIS.


But Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are not happy with Steven Mnuchin's new offer. Why?

Articles & Blogs

By Contributing Author Every student has at least once in their college years faced the problem of not having enough money. Not everybody is...


ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Retinal scanner for early Alzheimer’s test. Israeli-founded Canadian-based RetiSpec has developed the RS1, which uses hyperspectral retinal imaging and AI to examine the...

Health New Researches

Tel Aviv University study of how the ear develops in embryos could lead to a treatment for hearing loss.


Mars makes Snickers and Kind Bars makes healthy snack foods.

Prof. Louis René Beres “The air tonight is as heavy as the sum of human sorrows.”-Albert Camus, Caligula It is no longer just hyperbole. Still...


“Essentially, everyone on our team is very interested politically, and so they all vote."


Demonstrations in the United States: "Do not let Trump steal the election". Fear of Trump-backed militias takes to the streets.