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Ivana Trump: “Every day, people ask me how I raised such great kids. They are truly amazed when I tell them that there was...


Becoming Jewish Two researchers try to explain how, after 2,000 years of rejection and humiliation, Judaism has gained such a following.

U.S. Politics

The two leaders give press conference; they speak of warm relations, peace in the region and a 'bad' Iran nuclear deal; Netanyahu calls out...

U.S. Politics

Now I didn’t vote for Donald Trump, but I have to say all of these attacks on him have really gotten out of hand....

U.S. Politics

If even Jared Kushner were to come out and condemn President Donald Trump for how he has behaved in his fist ten days in...

U.S. Politics

  First son in law Jared Kushner was one of 30 people who were sworn in to service in the new White House staff...


  Boy, do Jewish celebs hate Donald Trump, or what? All celebs seem to hate him, but the Jewish ones most of all. Obviously...


According to Chelsea Handler, Kim Kardashian is single-handedly to blame for Donald Trump having been elected President of the United States. Well less specifically,...

U.S. Politics

BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document - Now you can make up your own minds about allegations that have circulated at the US...

U.S. Politics

Jared Kushner was officially named on Monday to the position of senior advisor in his father in law Donald Trump’s White House. While Kushner...