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Search results for "Haredi"


A flight from New York to Israel was delayed for over an hour after four Haredi men refused to sit next to women due...

Articles & Blogs

An internal correspondence document reveals that despite the Rabbinate's consistent public declaration that there are no "blacklists" for recognition of rabbis abroad, the Rabbinical Courts...

Life & Style

Chief Rabbinate will no longer have a monopoly in the field; State conversions through Orthodox rabbinical courts will receive legal status for the first...

Life & Style

Eight women testified against Rabbi Eliezer Berland in the special tribunal appointed by the Breslov Hasidic movement.

Life & Style

World Zionist Organization polled public's attitude towards Zionism; 95% of Israelis over 50 self-describe as Zionist, while only 75% of those over 29 feel...


IMF urged Israel implement reforms in education and the business environment, saying rapid demographic changes will ultimately weigh on growth.

The A-List

Op-ed: There is no greater lie than the accusations that America’s pro-Israel lobby is a right-wing organization which is drifting away from the US...


OECD 2018 report: The Israeli economy its "remarkable performance", with strong growth, low and falling unemployment and sound public finances


A lawsuit filed last week against the Ponevezh Yeshivah in Bnei Brak, the leading Israeli Ultra-Orthodox (haredi) yeshivah, reveals serious crimes that have been...


Netanyahu spoke before the vote in support for Death Penalty: "This principle is already embedded in the legal reality and the assumption of justice...