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Certain states favoring “Palestine” that are plausibly well-intentioned are still being misled by overly-optimistic hopes concerning Palestinian “demilitarization.”
Bloomberg: the two leaders agreed in Helsinki summit that Tehran's forces should withdraw the war-torn country. Putin unsure about the feasibility of forcing Iran...
Trump's disregard for his most senior intelligence personnel is the direct reflection of a more corrosively underlying and generalized loathing of all serious thought....
Jared Kushner reportedly writes in an email: ‘It is important to have an honest and sincere effort to disrupt UNRWA. It perpetuates a status...
Always lacking any dignified grace of real learning, the crowd shouts as one voice, reflexively, meaninglessly, menacingly
The danger of deliberately acting irrationally should not be underestimated.
New 10-year plan entails bolstering Israel's missile defense, covering the entire country, amid assessments next war will include massive missile fire at Israeli home...
One day after Iran's President Rouhani warns US that war with Iran would be 'the mother of all wars', US president delivers a stern...
US President Donald Trump chose to ignore America’s binding legal obligations regarding Russian war crimes in Syria. This sorely evident disregard reflects not “merely” willful...
Burwitz trained as a dressmaker and Ivanka is a designer of dresses. Donald Trump loves strong leaders and his daughter loves Donald. Please help...