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Jewish Business News

Search results for " Jerusalem"


–  / By Jewish Business News service / A recent study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has discovered that the same factor in our immune...


– – / By Ilan Shavit/ Mishneh Torah, a 15th-century illustrated volume from the collection of Steinhardt, was jointly purchased by the Israel Museum...

The A-List

– “There’s a big difference between the economy not working and economics not working. Economics works great!”  – – / By Pinchas Landau /...


– International investors love Rami Levy a supermarket chain in Israel.  Sima Ella in a special interview tells you why. – – / By...


That must be the question Michael Dell ‘s MSD  investment fund and Fidelity Investments will be looking for the answer to, after  they both...


– /By Ilan Shavit / One of the most important summits on innovative technologies in tourism and travel, the Second Jerusalem International Tourism Summit...


– Dorit Silberman Interviews Author and Film Maker Etgar Keret. This is the first in a planned series of interviews with authors and other key...


– Yosef Abramowitz,  will be featured on CNN’s ‘The Next List’ on Saturday,  May 11th , at 2:30pm.  Abramowitz is the first Israeli to...


– / By Irit Avissar and Stella Korin-Lieber/ When he appears before the Knesset Finance Committee on Tuesday, Supervisor of Banks David Zaken will...

Leadership & A-List

–   Binyamin Netanyahu with John Kerry/ Photo GEO – One Hundred Prominent American Jews to Netanyahu: “Make Concessions for Peace!” About one hundred heads...