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Mexican López-Obrador: Key Things for Americans to Know

Andés Manuel López-Obrador: “A just and dignified life and guarantees for people and their well-being.”

Andés Manuel López-Obrador

Americans know the struggle against poverty and Andés Manuel López-Obrador is intent on fighting poverty through a living wage.

Writing about Donald Trump, Lٌópez-Obrador says that “Donald Trump and his inner circle have effectively stirred up anti-immigrant sentiment, particularly against people of Mexican origin.”

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This is the use of the theory of Lebensraum which promotes “aggressive nationalism.” What he did by no means is a Kristallnacht, but matching people against people is what happened between Germans and Jews, the latter really has no chance to contest the killings, and loss of rights that followed. Jews were not the enemies then and neither are Mexicans now. What Trump has done is unacceptable. It is largely unpresidential!

López-Obrador wants to uphold the human rights of Central Americans crossing into and out of Mexico.

If I never had a cent

I’d be rich as Rockefeller

The song we knew back in the 1950s is much less popular today and escaping poverty may be more difficult than ever.
López-Obrador tells us that in 1988 there was only one billionaire in Mexico with $2.8 billion and the list has grown to 24, including Carlos Slim. Garza Sada was the first billionaire. These billionaires do help make millionaires, but everything is at a cost of creating inequalities and making poverty deeper.

Mexico, the president-elect says has fallen behind since privatization has taken place and he points out that even Haiti has greater growth.

Combined with 175,000 homicides and 26,798 missing people, Mexico has a bad reputation around the world that must be changed through progress. And currently, there is no safety net for half of the employed population.
NAFTA was no success for the Mexican people and Americans have not been told that.

Mexico 1970                                         Mexico Today
6.5 percent growth                             2.5 percent growth
7.8 percent of GDP was exported    35.3 percent of GDP is exports

How can that be? A nation doing so much business with other countries and losing ground for its people?

What Trump has hid is that American businessmen who set up the factories paid low-wages and took the profits home with them or put the money in offshore accounts (paying hardly any tax to Mexico). That is what they have done to US as well. Trump says that government allowed these things to happen, but he cries like a baby at the imbalance in trade that deceives the American people. López-Obrador writes about the “funding mechanism” put in place by the wealthy and we have seen the massive tax deductions given to the wealthy and corporate. Even the revelations of Trump’s family tax returns from decades ago reveal that he is no self-made man and the treasury was defrauded.

Keeping an eye on Trump again, we learn how two hospitals were constructed. One in Mexico City and one in the State of Mexico.

Mexico City (Obrador was mayor)        Mexico State (Peña-Nieto was governor)
150 beds                                                     125 beds
$18.8 million                                               $377 million with Grupo Higa a private company

Where is the great savings in costs that Trump promised the taxpayers over two years ago. The savings should be in the tens of billions or more?

López-Obrador convinced people that his election would not be a threat to anyone. He was lucky that there was no electoral college as he obtained a majority of the vote. The electoral college in American thwarted We The People. He contends that the treasury in Mexico will work for everyone. The recent tax reform is an example of how the treasury is working for the most-wealthy of our much bigger nation.

The American people were “brainwashed” according to López-Obrador and we can read about some of these things in Bob Woodward’s book FEAR.

He said he would “take out” not only the terrorists, but also their families to make him appear stronger to the voter. In the White House he did his best to make sure that innocent people would not be killed during the 59 Tomahawk raid in Syria after the use of chemical weapons. His own White House lawyer kept silent about this during the campaign and in his book on ISIS he objected to killing innocent people. Voters have been brainwashed.

Then there is the Iran deal that far too many people believed was bad when even in the White House there was proof that Iran was in compliance.

Saudi Arabia purchased a huge amount of arms from the United States totaling over $100 billion, creating jobs. But you can read on the internet that President Obama offered the Saudis the same amount of arms. Strong leadership or strong brainwashing?
Trump was talking about printing money which would have offended fiscal conservatives. He was unprepared in basic economics from the start.

He said he was using his own money to fund the campaign, but in FEAR we learn that it was a loan to be paid back. That is essential Trump.

Trump expected to bring factories back to cities and towns all over America and his own advisers had to tell him that the nation is better off without all those factories. The service industries are keeping the United States strong. Where are all the new factories under Trump?

Today on a Long Island Railroad afternoon train from Pennsylvania Station, a New York City teacher told me that the trains were packed every day and as early as 3-4 P.M. Men and women are standing in the aisle because there are no seats. Parking lots where cars found parking in the suburbs are filled to capacity and there are 100 cars parked on the streets nearby. Passing into Queens county there are huge construction projects creating thousands of jobs. New York is one of the economic engines bringing about a large percentage of the boom that Trump takes credit for. Brainwashing! I have also been told about construction in the wealthy mountain areas of Colorado and that locals do not like the Texans and Californians moving in. That has nothing to do with the fact that Texas and California were once part of Mexico. It’s about politics as usual.

Look at this New York Times piece about Amazon. “Yes, Amazon is increasing wages, which benefit most employees. But it no longer give out new stock options and monthly bonuses. Some workers believe that means their total compensation will shrink.” Ask Trump about his personal chauffeur of decades who got a pay increase, but lost his health insurance policy and did he shrink!
In reading about Trump appointments in FEAR, vetting process that Trump boasted about really was not that at all. The voters did not vet Trump well and the story goes on and on. Americans are losing! Please read Helping Americans Escape Trumpism. And the beat goes on about Trump as Trump’s Aide asked Israeli Spy Firm to Influence Elections.

Help Americans escape Trumpism: The Way We Were

Tonight it was reported that 123 missing children were found in Wayne County, Michigan. We share common problems and we want things to get better for our countries.

And the announcement of the resignation of Nikki Haley as U.S. Ambassador to the United States sits well with me. She was governor of a state that was an English only state where diplomas could only be given to programs that were in English. No Spanish diploma is given out which was possible in other states. Viva Mexico y adios finally to Nikki Haley.



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