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The measles virus is known to cast a deadly shadow upon children by temporarily suppressing their immune systems. While this vulnerability was previously thought...
"He Shouldn’t Be Creating Something So Ugly"
91 year old Sumner Redstone talks to Vanity Fair about his plans for the future and a bit of his private life.
The actress also told The Hollywood Reporter that she does not even know where her Oscar is.
George from Seinfeld said that he was the one who made Taylor Swift a star.
For the last 4 moths people have been asking whether or not Tom Brady knew that his footballs were being deflated.
– – Celebrity chef Michael Symon, best known for shows such as “Iron Chef America, ” has sold his Gramercy penthouse for $3.3 million,...
[VIDEO] The actress who is directing a new movie about the Israeli author's life can also be seen here in a Beijing interview.
Apparently avowed rapists are popular in Poland.