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Netflix's ad free streaming could complement well Comcast's traditional cable offerings
There is no word yet as to who else will appear in “All The Way” nor an expected premiere date.
“You've already looked through Twitter, everybody goes, 'It's great, ' and then you're low again because you can't stop looking. So, I'm a recovered...
Sarah Jessica Parker names new shoe brand after Andy Cohen
“If she ended up at (NBC headquarters) 30 Rock, it would be over a lot of people’s dead bodies."
“Aquarius” will have at least one full season of 13 epispodes.
“On stage, Mr. David is a self-caricature of a self-caricature. I’ve never seen anybody look less comfortable or more physically awkward in a starring...
Arrowsmith's hit Walk This Way was inspired by Mel Brooks
David Geffen will give $100 million towards a total $500 million renovation of Avery Fisher Hall