– The agrochemicals company will use the proceeds to recycle debt and finance current operations, including future acquisitions. – – Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. (formerly...
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Ackman said that the deal would make the company a "modern-day Berkshire Hathaway that would acquire controlling interests in operating companies."
Dr. Sivan Spitzer, of Bar-Ilan University, joins researchers from six EU countries to lead groundbreaking initiative in collaboration with Novo Nordisk, Pfizer
In 2024, about 16,400 rockets were fired and crossed into Israel, of which some 15,400 were launched from Lebanon and some 700 from Gaza.
– The agrochemicals company will use the proceeds to recycle debt and finance current operations, including future acquisitions. – – Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. (formerly...
– The partners want to use CNG technology to sell gas to Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus. – – The Tamar gas field partners...
– The Antitrust Authority is investigating allegations regarding sales of Tara Dairy products. – – Sources inform ”Globes” that the Antitrust Authority has opened an investigation...
– Neutron radiation caused by 33 A.D. earthquake could have led to ‘wrong’ 1988 radiocarbon dating of Shroud, suggest researchers. – The Shroud of Turin: modern photo of...
– Ziffren , one of the legal industry’s most experienced entertainment attorneys has been chosen by LA Mayor Eric Garcetti to replace the late...
– LaBeouf continues to show signs of meltdown after storming out of a press conference at the Berlin Film Festival only to return later...
– At the right moment in a difficult conflict, particularly where it might go either way, it becomes time to bring out the heavy...
– Klinger, captain of the Gloucestershire cricket team, has a dilemma- to play once again in the Indian Premier league, and miss the start...
– Following the sale, Phillip Frost still owns Teva shares worth more than $500 million. – Phillip Frost / Getty – Teva Pharmaceutical Industries...
– Neumann, one of New York’s hottest real estate entreprneurs, paid out just over $10 million for the a townhouse, situated on 41 West...