Polls by the three main TV channels show the gap between the prime minister's Likud Party and the former IDF chief's Israel Resilience Party...
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Polls by the three main TV channels show the gap between the prime minister's Likud Party and the former IDF chief's Israel Resilience Party...
'Give us something interesting,' Netanyahu said after the woman interrupted his speech in protest of shutting down the emergency room and obligatory fees.
Avigdor Lieberman says seeing Palestinians glorifying a terrorist at his funeral in Arab-Israeli city proves his plan advocating land and population swaps Between Israel...
After agreeing and then refusing a Jewish divorce (gett), Sharon Ben Haim details published in an effort to get him release his wife from...
A week after the bereaved father's death, the Shaul family published his final letter to his son, Oron, who fell in Operation Protective Edge...
Tamir Pardo says while 'there is more that unites us than divides us, ' there are those in Israeli society who prefer to focus...
In special government meeting in the Golan, the prime minister vows to keep the area under Israeli rule and promises to aid in its...