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Search results for " Steve Bannon"


An explosive new book about the first months of the Trump presidency reports of internecine fighting and chaos at the In the most important house...


  Peter Mehlman, a Seinfeld producer and writer, has slammed Steve Bannon for making money off of Jewish humor. Bannon was credited as a...


Shmuley Boteach, the self-promoting Rabbi to the stars, has continued his controversial defense of Steve Bannon. Boteach tweeted a picture of himself with the...


Mark Cuban and Steve Bannon held a face to face meeting this week at the King Cole Bar in New York City’s St. Regis...

U.S. Politics

Senior officials at the national site "Breitbart" tell of the revenge that Bannon is planning against Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who he claims...

U.S. Politics

Steve Bannon was interview Friday, by The Weekly Standard, after it was announced that he was fired as White House strategist.


Steve Bannon made a lot of money in royalties off of Seinfeld.

The A-List

by Ben Bezalel Liberal Amricans blam Trump. Trump who was regarded as one of the most hated presidents, and one of the most radical...


Michael Wolff’s new book “Too Famous: The Rich, the Powerful, the Wishful, the Notorious, the Damned” is about many people, but specifically renowned Jewish...

U.S. Politics

He continued to snub incoming President Joe Biden.

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