If Alexander, who is being held on 10, 000 US dollars bail, gets convicted, he could face seven years of imprisonment.
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If Alexander, who is being held on 10, 000 US dollars bail, gets convicted, he could face seven years of imprisonment.
Muslim and Jewish women were shouting near Temple Mount.
The three are suspected of stealing 76 million bank customers details, manipulating small shares, and committing bitcoin fraud.
– – Jonathan Pollard could be freed as early as November 21st. Reports state that the U.S. Justice Department will not oppose the release...
– – Oskar Groening, an admitted Nazi war criminal who served as a guard at the Auschwitz concentration camp was convicted of 300, 000...
The three were detained by the judge because they refused to meet with their estranged father.
“Several Jewish suspects have been arrested for the burning of the church and the Nazareth court has decided to extend their detention."
– – The Michigan Jewish Institute was raided by FBI agents last week. The Federal government is investigating the school for fraud. About 15...
Adi Lederman also fined 15, 000 shekels ($4, 000) after confessing to hacking and selling demo tracks from Madonna's album "Rebel Heart"
– – Nazi War Criminal Oskar Groening has admitted to his guilt in the massacre of countless Jews as a camp guard at Auschwitz...