World News
Confirmation of supernova explosion in the neighborhood of our solar system
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Confirmation of supernova explosion in the neighborhood of our solar system
The moon was formed by a violent, head-on collision between the early Earth and a “planetary embryo” called Theia approximately 100 million years...
Israeli Google Lunar XPRIZE Team Is First to Sign Launch Agreement For Private Mission to the Moon On SpaceX Falcon 9
A NASA camera satellite captured a unique view of the moon as it moved in front of the sunlit side of Earth last...
Footprints by 2021 and a permanent base by the 2030s
In a bid to to have the most stylish entry in Google’s lunar XPRIZE, Audi has teamed up with a group of German part-time...
UCLA scientist's Study highlights flaws in earlier research on hospital admissions and the lunar cycle
Singer will soon begin producing the movie concurrent to his filming of the next X Men film, “X-Men: Apocalypse.” Which is due out in...
For the complete list check out: Top 10 Movies in 2014 with Jews in Them This one stars Mila Kunis, who was born in Ukraine...
Are Mila Kunis and soon to be hubby Ashton Kutcher going to star together in yet another supernatural romance? Well people who fell for...