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Search results for "naftali bennett"


Thousands gathered in Tel Aviv to celebrate Netanyahu's outs, after four elections in two years. World's leaders f congratulate Bennett and the new government.


Netanyahu asked Walla! News owner Elovitch to publish story that religieuse Bennett's wife, Gilat, worked as a chef at non-kosher restaurants. Furious education minister...


  “It is better to have a united Jerusalem than a diplomatic agreement,” Minister of Education and Diaspora Affairs Naftali Bennett said Monday, as...


Will Trump order to transfer the embassy to Jerusalem? MK Livni told Ynet 'Netanyahu and Bennett are selling to the public delusions. It will...


In an apparent dig at the education minister, the prime minister says he's 'glad to hear other parties are adopting the Likud's line' on...


Bennett implores Netanyahu to stop his 'bunker' policy, in order not to let other's 'determine Israel's fate'; Likud accusing him of 'self-flagellation.'


Jewish Home chairman is unhappy with verdict shortening detention period for infiltrators, says judges eroding the public's trust in them.


After two Jewish activists put under administrative arrest, Bennett says there must be equal punishment for Jewish and Arab terrorists.


In backlash at Shas minister's statements against non-Orthodox Jews, Jewish Home minister releases a terse tweet.

World News

Israel’s Channel 2 and Channel 10 news departments have released their respective polls on the dramatic night when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave the...