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Jewish Business News

Search results for "court"


Rabbi of Western Wall calls Lesley Sachs's act a "provocation" and "desecration of God;" Reform movement: Majority of Jews in Israel and Diaspora stand...

World News

Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin is promoting law to build new beachfront hotels, but environmental groups fear it will be exploited to construct luxury...


In the ever-growing mobile space, Israel stands out as a leader and can be expected to get even more prominent in coming years, say...


Study finds companies founded by Israelis spurring significant economic growth in the state, outpacing overall state economy.

Life & Style

Rabbinical courts in Europe and Israel have come together for the first time to erect a joint database with the details of every husband...


After changing his statements in an interview with Israeli Channel 10, Mimran apologizes to Bibi; Mimran: 'Everything Bibi said was the truth'


Even though former Yukos head Mikhail Khodorkovsky never asked for compensation, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2013 awarded him 10, 000 euros...


French billionaire Arnaud Mimran claims he gave Netanyahu 170, 000 euros to be used for public activity; PMO, after issuing outright denial at first,...

History & Archeology

Excavation director, Avraham Tendler: "The cache may have belonged to a Jew who hid his money in the hope of coming back to collect...


Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman is calling for an "immediate medical examination" of Sumner Redstone.