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The IDF released evidence of Hamas taking hostages to Shifa.
The President made his latest comments in a meeting with the leaders of Jewish groups.
Former President Jimmy Carter’s Carter Center, however, failed to acknowledge what the rest of the world has.
Even the President of France Emmanuel Macron took a harsh line against Hamas.
Arnaud Mimran is a French financier and businessman who has been involved in several high-profile legal cases.
By Yigal Bin-Nun The millennium that separated the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE and the emergence of Hebrew literature in...
The need to hunt small prey compelled prehistoric humans to produce appropriate hunting weapons and improve their cognitive abilities.
Due to security concerns, operations have become hasty, prioritizing immediate response over long-term strategic objectives.
An Israeli man, Guy Nattiv, and an Iranian woman, Zar Amir-Ebrahimi, have made history by co-directing a movie together. “Tatami” tells the story of...
Israel High Tech Scene August 26 – September 6 New Startups / VC Funding Allseated Raises $20 Million for New Event Planning Tech Allseated,...