Edwards You LYU, CEO of VADI, a Tel-Aviv based Chinese company: “Thousands of Chinese investors, owners of Medium size companies, are seeking strategic...
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Edwards You LYU, CEO of VADI, a Tel-Aviv based Chinese company: “Thousands of Chinese investors, owners of Medium size companies, are seeking strategic...
Donald Trump on Tuesday said he would close the borders following a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Brussels where at least 26...
The foreign exchange reserves at the end of 2015 stood at a record $90.6 billion, up $4.5 billion over the course of the year
The Middle East, as we know it, is crumbling. Civil wars rage across the region, millions have become refugees, and hundreds of thousands are dead. Borders that have...
Republican presidential candidate assures AIPAC an unbreakable US alliance with Israel; US Senator Ted Cruz: As President I will not be neutral, America will...
Democratic frontrunner says one of the first things she'll do if elected, is invite the Israeli PM to the White House, reiterating American support...
Phresh's 20 year-old founder and CEO Amit Gal-Or: "The product is coming to life and can transform the way we consume and preserve fruits...
Some cities suffer enormous water losses every year as authorities scramble to upgrade outdated piping and minimise leaks. An OECD report examining water...
A new study in published at The European Journal of Finance finds narcissism is positively associated with market performance of artworks, and contradicts previous...
Conflict is heading towards one-state solution, and the Netanyahu government is eroding the prospect of two states, says US vice president at AIPAC conference.