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Bill Shatner and Fans Tweet Well Wishes to Spock

“I am uplifted by the show of love & caring tweeted to my dear friend @TheRealNimoy. I join the chorus of well wishers for a quick recovery!”

Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy is still recuperating after having been hospitalized last week for chest pains. His Star Trek co-stars and fans alike have taken to social media to wish the 83 year old Mr. Spock well.

First, instead of saying the obvious – Live Long and Prosper – everyone at JBN would like to offer the Jewish blessing, rather than Vulcan one, of “may he live to 120.”

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Also, if you want to give him an individual blessing in synagogue Nimoy’s Hebrew name is Leonard Simon ben Dora.

Nimoy’s fellow Jewish co-star, William “Captain Kirk” Shatner tweete, “I am uplifted by the show of love & caring tweeted to my dear friend @TheRealNimoy. I join the chorus of well wishers for a quick recovery!”

George Takei, the real Mr. Sulu, tweeted, “My friend and Star Trek colleague Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) was hospitalized with chest pains. Join me in wishing him a speedy recovery.”

Nimoy himself tweeted on Sunday, “A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP.”

Born to Yiddish speaking Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Ukraine in Boston, Nimoy is obviously best known for having played Mr. Spock on the original and most iconic Star Trek series.

Nimoy has been hospitalized before due to complications from COPD — Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — and he is said to carry an oxygen bag around with him everywhere. About the illness, he once tweeted, “I quit smoking 30 years ago. Not soon enough. I have COPD. Grandpa says, quit now!! LLAP [Live Long and Prosper].”



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