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Sharansky Welcomes Adoption of Conversion Reform Law

Natan Sharansky

Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel Natan Sharansky has released the following statement upon the Government of Israel’s adoption of a law reforming the conversion process:

“This reform of the conversion process is crucial to the successful absorption and integration of many immigrant Israelis. The measures adopted by the Government will enable many immigrants and citizens who have connected their fates and futures to the State of Israel to join the Jewish people in a more inviting manner. This is an important effort to strengthen the ties between the different parts of the Jewish people in Israel and around the world, while maintaining a framework that is agreed upon by all. There is no doubt that this is a welcome development to all who wish to draw in those who are distant and embrace those who have come near. The Jewish Agency will continue to work to create conditions suitable for the immigration and absorption of any individual who is eligible to make Aliyah and wishes to tie his or her fate to the State of Israel.”

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