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Israel Close to 10 Million People on Jan 1

The Kotel

People Dance with the Tora (The Kotel.Org)

The population of Israel hit almost 10 million people at the end of 2022. According to data released by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on 31 December 2022, Israel’s population was estimated at 9,656,000 residents.

Here is the breakdown:

7,106,000 are Jews (73.6% of the total population), 2,037,000 are Arabs (21.1%) and 513,000 are Others (5.3%).

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During 2022, Israel’s population increased by 2.2%; 62% of the increase was due to natural growth and 38% was from the international migration balance.

Among Jews, 73% of the population increase was due to natural growth. Among Arabs 92%, and among others, almost 100% of the increase was due to immigration.

The population of Israelincreased much more in 2022 than in 2021, when it increased by 1.8%. This was mostly due to the larger number of immigrants in 2022 than in 2021.

In 2022, approximately 178,000 infants were born in Israel (74.8% were born to Jewish mothers, 23.8% to Arab mothers and 1.4% to mothers of others).

Approximately 73,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel during 2022, 80% arrived from Russia and Ukraine. The CBS said the growth can be attributed to the Russia-Ukraine crisis as of the end of February 2022, with the beginning of the war between them.

The main countries from which immigrants to Israel came in 2022 were: Russia (58.1%), Ukraine (21.3%), the US (4.1%), and France (3.2%).

During 2022, approximately 204,000 persons were added to the Israeli population, an increase of 2.2%. Most of the increase (62%) in Israel’s population was due to natural growth and the rest (38%) to the international migration balance. During the year, 178,000 infants, 73,000 immigrants (as opposed to 25,000 last year) were added to the population. The population was reduced by approximately 52,000 persons who died and approximately 4,000 Israelis who were staying abroad for more than a year.

Approximately 51,700 people died in Israel in 2022. The number of deaths was similar to 2021 and higher than in 2020 (48,800), the year that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began. There were 46,000 deaths in 2019 (the numbers do not include deaths of Israelis abroad).

The death rate in Israel, relative to population size, increased from 5.1 per 1,000 residents in 2019 to 5.4 per 1,000 residents in 2022. According to Ministry of Health data, up to the middle of December 2022 about 3,670 residents died as a result of COVID-19. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there was a total of approximately 11,850 deaths.



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