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Ex-IDF Intelligence Experts Founded Zafran: Israeli Startup Offers Risk Mitigation Service

Zafran emerged as the world’s first risk and mitigation platform to pinpoint the “exploitable” threats in the organization and to mitigate their risk by mobilizing existing security controls.


Zafran team

Zafran is an Israeli cybersecurity startup founded by Israeli military intelligence veterans that offers risk and mitigation services. The firm just raised another $40 million in a funding round led by Sequoia Capital’s growth fund, reported Calcalst. Zafran has now raised $70 million in total.

Founded in 2022 by Sanaz Yashar (CEO), Ben Seri (CTO) and Snir Havdala (CPO), Zafran emerged as the world’s first risk and mitigation platform to pinpoint the “exploitable” threats in the organization and to mitigate their risk by mobilizing existing security controls.

Yashar and Seri both served in the IDF’s vaunted 8200 cyber intelligence unit. Sanaz Yashar was born in Iran and came to Israel as a child. Snir, who served as a Major in the IDF, won the Israel Defense Award and the IDF Chief of Staff’s Technology award.

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Zafran transforms risk mitigation and empowers security teams to defuse threat exploitation, by connecting to both vulnerability data and the organization’s security controls. Zafran analyzes risk while taking into account controls’ efficacy as well as exploitability factors. The company’s industry-first Mitigation Knowledge-base designed to work seamlessly with EDR, firewalls, cloud tools, and more, enables organizations to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of their risk. Zafran Applicable Risk™ reflects whether vulnerabilities are exploitable or already mitigated by compensating controls, then proactively automates mitigations to eliminate the exploitation window.

In August Zafran introduced Proactive Exposure Hunting, a new solution as part of Zafran’s Threat Exposure Management Platform. The company says it is designed to empower security teams to transition from reactive to proactive defense strategies.

SecOps teams are overwhelmed by a flood of vulnerability and misconfiguration findings scattered across various security tools. The manual process of prioritizing and remediating these issues is a heavy burden on resource-strained teams. As attackers become more sophisticated and agile, these teams struggle to keep pace. Despite significant investments in security tools, organizations still lack a unified view of their most critical vulnerabilities.

Zafran employs an “agentless approach, seamlessly integrating with your existing security tools.” The platform generates an exposure graph, connecting the dots between your assets, vulnerabilities, identity exposures, control gaps, and the mitigations provided by existing security controls.



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