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Pre and Post-Workout Tips: Essential Routines for Maximum Fitness Results

The Mayo Clinic explains that the best thing to do before working out is to be sure to eat a healthy breakfast.


Whether you want that perfect body, are trying to be healthier, or just want to lose some weight, then you are probably hitting the gum regularly. But any type of regular exercise requires that you engage in certain activities and eat certain types of food, both before and after. So, what do the experts recommend?

The Mayo Clinic explains that the best thing to do before working out is to be sure to eat a healthy breakfast. And be sure to finish eating at least one hour before your workout.

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But what should you eat?

According to the Mayo Clinic, science shows that pre-workout carbs can elevate your exercise performance. They provide readily available energy, allowing you to push harder and potentially extend your workout duration or intensity. Skipping carbs might leave you feeling sluggish or dizzy during exercise.

Planning to hit the gym soon after breakfast? Opt for a light, carb-rich meal or a sports drink. Remember, carbs are your body’s prime energy source for exercise.

Specifically, they recommend whole-grain cereals or bread, low-fat milk. Juice, a banana and yogurt.

Recovering well after a workout is crucial to get the most out of your exercise routine and prevent injuries. You should eat as soon as possible after a workout.

Eat a meal or snack rich in protein within 30 minutes to an hour after your workout. This provides the building blocks your muscles need to repair and rebuild. Aim for 1.4-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In addition to your post-workout meal, consume protein throughout the day to support muscle repair.

And hydration is also important. Replenish fluids lost through sweat by drinking water. Water is always best, so don’t waste money on any so-called energy drinks or mixes that claim to help you get replenished after a workout.

Rest is also important. Schedule rest days to allow your muscles to fully recover. Light activities like walking, yoga, or swimming can improve blood flow and promote healing without stressing your body further.

In addition, stretching is also a must do. After your workout you should immediately take time out to stretch your muscles. This will improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.

And be sure to get enough sleep: Getting enough quality sleep (7-9 hours per night) is essential for overall muscle recovery and hormone regulation.

Whatever you choose to do, whoever you choose to consult about what the eat and so forth, if you are going to start a new training program and exercise then you should certainly consult a doctor first.



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