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World Politics

EU Sanctions: 5 Israeli ‘Extremists’ and 3 Organizations Targeted for ‘West Bank Violence’

EU officials allege sanctioned Israelis committed ‘serious human rights violations’ against Palestinians in occupied West Bank.

The Otzma Yehudit Party, including (L-R) Itamar Ben-Gvir, Michael Ben-Ari, Benzi Gopstein and Baruch Marzel (Photo Avi Mualem)

The European Council of the European Union on Monday imposed sanctions on five Israelis it declared to be right-wing extremists as well as three Israeli organizations. The activities cited by the EU in its announcement of the sanctions include attempts to block humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza and attacks on Palestinian civilians.

The EU charged that the sanctioned individuals and entities are responsible for “serious and systematic human rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank, including abuse of the right of everyone to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental integrity, the right to property, the right to private and family life, to freedom of religion or belief and the right to education.”

The five people sanctioned included Israeli settler Moshe Sharvit and his “Moshe’s Farm” in the Jordan Valley. From his farm, Moshe Sharvit engaged in settler violence and threats towards Palestinian residents in shepherding communities close to his outpost in the West Bank, alleged the EU.

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The Council also listed Zvi Bar Yosef and his outpost known as ‘Zvi’s Farm’ in the West Bank. Zvi Bar Yosef has repeatedly attacked and committed acts of violence against Palestinians from the villages of Jibya, Kaubar (Kobar), and Umm Safa, causing severe injuries to some of them, it alleged.

Baruch Marzel, a well now Israeli right-wing activist, was also sanctioned. “Marzel has openly called for an ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians,” said the EU.

One Israeli organization sanctioned is Tzav 9, which organizes protests to block the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Its supporters say such aid should not be transferred until after all of the remaining Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza are released.

The EU called Tzav 9 “an Israeli group of violent activists” and said that its actions include “violent protests, attacks against food trucks and the destruction of food.”

But Tzav 9 says the supplies that arrive in Gaza “strengthen Hamas, give it breathing space and life with strength and the ability to continue harming Israel and holding the hostages.

Those listed under the sanctions regime are subject to an asset freeze, and the provision of funds or economic resources, directly or indirectly, to them or for their benefit, is prohibited. Additionally, a travel ban to the EU applies to the natural persons listed.



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