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Israeli Politics

Israeli General Yehudah Fox Criticizes Right-Wing Policies Before Leaving IDF

“IDF General Yehudah Fox faced criticism from Israeli right-wing politicians during his military career

Yehudah Fox

Major General Yehudah Fox speaks at transfer of command ceremony (IDF)

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Major General Yehudah Fox slammed what he said is the interference in national defense policies made by Israel’s right-wing politicians. The comments came at a ceremony held Monday for General Fox’s stepping down from the position of commander of the IDF’s Central Command and retirement after 37 years of service.

General Fox was succeeded by Major General Avi Bluth.

General Yehudah Fox was the subject of ire from many of Israel’s right-wing politicians in recent years. The IDF Central Command is responsible for the West Bank. Its responsibilities include dealing with terrorism from both Jews and Arabs. During Fox’s tenure security measures were taken against Israelis who threatened Arabs and right-wing Israelis called this treason on his part. Some went so far as to say that he cared more about the well-being of the West Bank’s Arabs than that of Israelis.

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“I want to thank you, also on behalf of the minority who do not know how to be thankful, who do not know how to appreciate, who frequently choose to condemn those who deal with public needs in faith,” said Fox referring to those who have criticized him over the years. “A minority that inappropriately chose to attack you for the morning news, even though you have not stopped your constant efforts to protect.”

“I’m leaving with my back straight and these are statements I made during my entire role and I stand behind them. Proud of every moment of these three years,” General Fox said in reference to earlier comments he made about what he called “nationalist crime” that had “reared its head under the auspices of the war” and that “silence in the face of this is not Jewish.”

Most of General Fox’s critics are religious Jews and members of two orthodox political parties, Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Strength).

General Yehudah Fox went on to say “This is not Judaism in my eyes. At least not the one I grew up with in my father and mother’s house. This is not the way of the Torah. It is the adoption of the ways of the enemy.”



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