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Harnessing the Power of Sun and Robots:’s Innovative Approach to Agrivoltaics

Revolutionizing Sustainable Farming:’s Cutting-Edge Agrivoltaic Solutions Boost Crop Yields and Solar Energy Production

Israel boasts a rich legacy of agricultural innovation, stretching back to the early days of the Zionist settlements. While the nation is now recognized as “Startup Nation” for its high-tech prowess, its agricultural roots run deep. From pioneering land reclamation projects to exporting agricultural expertise, Israel has consistently pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in farming. Merging Tradition with Technology, a forward-thinking Israeli company, is merging this agricultural heritage with cutting-edge technology. Their focus? Agrivoltaics is a revolutionary concept that combines solar energy production with traditional farming in the same space.

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Thank you.’s brainchild is a robotic operating system called agRE.os, designed specifically for agrivoltaic fields. This AI-powered system utilizes a network of sensors and robotic arms (manipulators) to automate various tasks.

Automation can streamline farm operations and potentially boost crop yields. Robots can handle some of the labor-intensive tasks, potentially lowering costs and the system can adjust solar panels for optimal sun exposure, maximizing energy generation.

Agrivoltaics allows for dual land use, potentially increasing overall land productivity.’s A²PV Operating System Infrastructure is a one-of-a-kind technology that combines cutting-edge robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize farming. This patent-pending system utilizes a network of robots equipped with manipulators (think robotic arms) to handle various tasks, from monitoring and cleaning solar panels to performing delicate tasks like selective spraying, pruning, and even harvesting.

Also, a dense sensor network gathers real-time data on everything from crop health to weather conditions. This data is then fed into the AI. The A²PV’s AI brain then analyzes the sensor data to make informed decisions. It can optimize solar panel positioning for maximum energy generation, adjust irrigation based on crop needs, and even identify potential problems before they arise.
Yossi Levy, CEO of, emphasizing the importance of collaboration. “We aim to support agriculture, not disrupt it,” he explains. Regulations often hinder the widespread adoption of agrivoltaics due to concerns about harming crop yields. However, addresses this by using high-precision AI and robotics, offering significant added value. They’ve also partnered with the French energy giant EDF to leverage the solar energy potential of their system.’s innovative approach to agrivoltaics represents a significant leap forward in agricultural technology. By harnessing the power of robotics and AI, this Israeli company is paving the way for a more sustainable, efficient, and productive future for farming.



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