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Jewish Business News


Is Adaptability the Real Secret to Success

Adaptability is a powerful skill that allows you to adjust and thrive in the face of change.


The secret to success may not be what you think. It is adaptability.

Harvard Business School professor Joseph Fuller has dedicated years to studying and collaborating with some of the most accomplished individuals, from Fortune 500 CEOs to Nobel laureates. His research reveals a surprising truth: what truly separates these high achievers isn’t confidence or business savvy, but rather their remarkable ability to adapt. Fuller spoke about the importance of adaptability in an interview with the CNBC program “Make It.”

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Adaptability is a powerful skill that allows you to adjust and thrive in the face of change. It’s like being a chameleon, but instead of blending into your surroundings, you can navigate new situations effectively.

Adaptability includes flexibility, being open to new ideas and approaches and the ability to pick up new skills and knowledge quickly. It is also characterized by resilience, bouncing back from setbacks and challenges and being able to find creative solutions to unexpected situations.

It is also important in all aspects of life, from your personal life to your career. Adaptability helps you deal with change effectively. Change is inevitable, and adaptable people can roll with the punches and even see new opportunities. Also, by being open to new experiences, you constantly expand your knowledge and skillset.

In addition adaptability helps one manage stress. Change can be stressful, but adaptable people can adjust their expectations and find healthy ways to cope.

If you want to improve your adaptability, here are some things you can do:

Embrace a growth mindset: Believe that you can learn and grow throughout your life.
Step outside your comfort zone: Try new things and challenge yourself.
Be open to feedback: Learn from your mistakes and use feedback to improve.
Develop problem-solving skills: Practice creative thinking and coming up with solutions to challenges.
By developing your adaptability, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.

This all applies to high achievers.

“They’re not wedded to some predetermined career path that they set when they were a student or starting their first job,” Professor Joseph Fuller told CNBC Make It. “They’re open to unexpected opportunities and embrace change instead of fearing it.”

In today’s rapidly changing world, employers are seeking adaptable employees, according to LinkedIn VP Aneesh Raman. “The ability to adjust quickly is key to taking control of your career,” he told CNBC. Raman goes on to say that developing adaptability is the best way to navigate change, highlighting it as an essential skill for success.



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