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Benjamin Netanyahu Said to Have Endangered Israeli Security in Submarine Scandal

The allegations involved in the submarine scandal center on suspicion that people close to Netanyahu may have made money from the arms deals

SUBMARINE SCANDAL Netanyahu IDF submarine Photo Kobi Gideon, GPO)

SUBMARINE SCANDAL: Netanyahu. Photo Kobi Gideon, GPO)

The special commission that investigated allegations of graft by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some of his associates during the acquisition of submarines for the Israel Navy released a letter on its preliminary findings. The commission alleged that Netanyahu’s actions in the affair “endangered” Israel’s national security as well as its foreign affairs.

A commission was established by the Bennet-Lapid government more than two years ago to investigate professional and political decision-making related to Benjamin Netanyahu led governments decisions revolving around $2 billion acquisitions of submarines and other naval vessels from Germany’s Thyssenkrupp in the period of 2009-2016, excluding criminal investigations. Israelis have dubbed this scandal “ Case 3000.”

In Case 3000, Israeli authorities allegedly advocated for the purchase of submarines and patrol boats from the German manufacturer in exchange for private payments. Netanyahu is also blamed for authorizing Thyssenkrupp to transfer submarines and anti-submarine vessels to Egypt.

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Several such acquisitions went forward without the knowledge or approval of the then Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon.

Basically, the allegations involved in the submarine scandal center on suspicions that people close to Prime Minister Netanyahu may have made money from the arms deals, and/or there may have been kickbacks involved.

The commission said that its decisions were made based on the examination of tens of thousands of documents, background interviews that it conducted and testimonies collected from individuals who were involved in the procurements of the vessels in question. The committee said it will publish part of the evidence gathered from 41 witnesses and 122 interviewees.

“[Benjamin] Netanyahu’s conduct caused a deep disruption in work processes and harm in decision-making on a number of sensitive issues,” wrote the committee. “Sharp criticism of Cohen as well. These are the omissions found: from lack of professionalism to actions contrary to the government’s decisions.”

“From the picture that is presented to the committee at this stage, it appears that in the issues being investigated there has been a deep disruption in work processes and decision-making mechanisms on a number of sensitive issues. This, while creating a risk to the security of the state and while harming the foreign relations and economic interests of the State of Israel.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office responded to the news with a short statement that did not mention the issues behind the scandal.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu determined that the submarines are a central pillar of Israel’s national security and in ensuring its existence against Iran, which is trying to destroy us,” it read. “Not only does the acquisition of the submarines not harm the security of the state – it ensures its existence.”

“History will prove that Prime Minister Netanyahu was right on this issue as well and made the right decisions for the security of Israel,” added the statement.



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