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World Politics

Israeli Born Right-Wing Politician Gidi Markuszower Set to Be New Dutch Deputy Prime Minister

Gidi Markuszower started out working for Israel’s Likud Party.

Gidi Markuszower

Gidi Markuszower (PPV Part official pic)

An Israeli named Gidi Markuszower, once suspected by Dutch authorities of passing intelligence information to Israel, is set to become the deputy prime minister of the Netherlands. He is a member of the right-wing Dutch PPV Party (the Party for Freedom – Dutch: Partij voor de Vrijheid) which won the last national elections in Holland. However, it took six months for the party to form a new government.

Dutch News reported that Gidi Markuszower is also slated to serve as minister for asylum and migration. Dutch News, however, also said that in 2010 he was forced to step down as a parliamentary candidate after the Dutch intelligence service called him a “risk to the integrity of the Netherlands.” The Dutch government suspected the politician passed information to foreign agents when he served as a political advisor to a Dutch politician. No country was named, but it is believed to have been Israel.

PPV Party leader Geert Wilders said, “We have reached an agreement. There is a deal, you’ll hear more in the coming hours, days.”

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Gidi Markuszower was born in Tel Aviv on 27 October 1977, and lives in Amsterdamw here he grew up. Markuszower attended Amsterdam’s Rosge Pina and Maimonides Schools, which serve as the main schools of Amsterdam’s Jewish community. He has been a Member of the Dutch House of Representatives for more than seven years.

He has strong right-wing political beliefs. Over the years Gidi Markuszower was quoted saying things like, “I come from a family of avid news-watchers who never shy away from expressing an opinion on social issues,” and that his “concerns about the state of the Netherlands drive me to keep fighting for the Netherlands as an MP, ensuring that our country will stay safe and free for generations to come.”

And Gidi Markuszower has been vocal about opposing more Muslim/Arab immigration to Holland. He once said, “The large influx of Muslim immigrants has put the Dutch welfare state at risk and immigration as a whole raises major security concerns. Our public institutions will implode if we continue like this. As part of the PVV, I want to continue fighting to protect and preserve our Western freedoms.”

The new Dutch government is expected to be more supportive of Israel and its current right-wing government led by Benjamin Netanyahu. Gidi Markuszower is himself a supporter of Israel’s political right and their policies and once served as the Dutch spokesman for Netanyahu’s Likud Party.



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