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Israeli Startup Offers Neurological Treatments for Many Vision Problems

RevitalVision’s tech can treat amblyopia, nystagmus, and keratoconus.

Israeli startup Revitalvision

Israeli Startup Revitalvision

RevitalVision is an Israeli startup that offers new neurological treatments for a variety of eye-related issues. The firm’s non-invasive technology enhances eyesight neurologically and can deal with problems like amblyopia. In April, RevitalVision reported success in two new trials of products that treat nystagmus, a condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements, and keratoconus.

Millions of adults struggle with amblyopia, often called lazy eye, a leading cause of vision problems. Traditionally, treatment focused on children. But RevitalVision offers a new option: an FDA-approved therapy clinically proven to improve vision in adults with amblyopia. This breakthrough technology helps the 2%-5% of the population affected by this condition.

The main symptom is reduced vision in one eye, even if that eye appears healthy otherwise. Sometimes a wandering eye (strabismus) might also be present. Early detection and treatment are crucial. Common treatments include patching the stronger eye to force the weaker eye to work harder, special glasses, or medicated eye drops.

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Founded in 2019, RevitalVision is a SaaS-based (software as a service), digital health startup offering a “unique solution” to 500 million people whose needs are unmet by existing vision treatments. Its non-invasive technology enhances eyesight neurologically. Its thousands of clinical trial participants and commercial customers have reported and tested with significant improvement in their vision performance by 2.5 lines on the visual acuity eye chart, and a 100% increase in contrast sensitivity on average for all product categories.

Nystagmus is a condition that causes involuntary, jerky eye movements. Nystagmus can be present from birth (congenital) or develop later in life (acquired). Congenital nystagmus can be caused by genetic factors or problems during brain development. Acquired nystagmus can result from various conditions like inner ear problems, neurological disorders, eye injuries, or medication side effects.

Keratoconus is an eye disease that affects the cornea, the clear dome-shaped structure at the front of your eye. The cornea normally has a smooth, round shape that helps focus light entering the eye. In keratoconus, the cornea thins and bulges outward into a cone shape.
This irregular shape distorts light rays and can cause blurry vision, double vision, nearsightedness, and light sensitivity.

At the time of the trials, RevitalVision’s CEO and co-founder Yair Yahav said, “The success of the new studies, which will be presented next week by researchers on the stage in important meetings of eye doctors in the US, will assist the company in its marketing activity in the professional community – eye doctors and optometrists.”



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