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Israeli Startup Remepy Offers Hybrid Drugs to Treat Brain Diseases

Remepy’s digital molecules are the secret sauce in their hybrid drugs.


Remepy’s founders (company pic)

Remepy is an Israeli startup that offers a new hybrid drug that uses “digital molecules” that can cause changes in the brain. The new medication could lead to breakthroughs in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and could even be used by way of an app.

Hybrid drugs are new proprietary pharma assets that combine software with drugs to create SaMD (software as a medical device) Drug combinations. Remepy boasts that its digital interventions target main disease endpoints as well as comorbidities and side effects. Combining therapeutic software interventions with pharmacological treatment facilitates personalized treatment at scale, based on real world data.

Remepy is developing a new type of medication: hybrid drugs. These combine traditional medicine with something they call “digital molecules.” Imagine a drug that works with an app. These digital molecules are basically brain-based treatments delivered electronically. They use things like sensory experiences (think light, sound, or even virtual reality) to cause specific physical changes in the body. In other words, they use the brain to make traditional drugs work even better.

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Remepy’s digital molecules are the secret sauce in their hybrid drugs. Unlike traditional pills or injections, these digital molecules are like brain training programs delivered through your phone or computer. They use safe methods like sound, light, or even virtual reality experiences to target specific areas of your brain. This isn’t mind control though! These techniques are based on scientific principles like sensory integration (mixing different senses), sensory substitution (replacing a missing sense with another), and even temporary sensory deprivation. The cool part? These programs can trigger a range of positive effects in your body, like strengthening connections in key brain regions, influencing immune system activity, and even encouraging healthy behaviors. This multi-pronged approach is what makes them so effective at boosting the power of traditional medication.

Founded in 2022, Remepy is pioneering Hybrid Drugs: traditional drugs combined with digital therapeutics that are personalized and enhance the effect of pharmaceutical treatments. Remepy has already proven in human studies the effect of its products, using extensive brain imaging, as well as blood and saliva samples, with promising results for Oncology, MCI, and Parkinson’s Disease. Their approach offers an efficient method to create new proprietary pharma assets, unlocking an entire new market and world of data. The Remepy team includes top scientists, physicians, and technologists.

Michal Tsur, Remepy co-founder and co-CEO, told Forbes that the company’s hybrid approach is “a very big revolution, similar to what happened with immunotherapy.”

“We are using digital tools in order to harness the brain to drive physiological effects that are synergistic with drugs,” explained Tsur.

At the start of May, Remepy raised $10 million in a Seed investment round led by NFX, joined by Vine Ventures, Psymed Ventures, Supernode Ventures and Firstime Ventures.



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