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Is Gynosexual a Real Thing?


Gynosexual is a term so new that it is not even recognized by the spell check in basic programs like Word. And this is just one example of the problem. Now many are mocking those who use the term.

The term first got noticed when, last month, Men’s Health Magazine said of gynosexual, “The number of terms and identities under the LGBTQ+ umbrella is ever-growing, allowing more and more people to describe their sexuality with words that make sense to them. One word you may not have heard that is helping some people express who they are is ‘gynosexual.’”

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So, of course, conservative news organizations like Fox News were outraged. Jay D. Cartere, a fitness coach, was quoted by Fox as saying derisively, “I’m a man attracted to women I’m heterosexual If I was a woman attracted to women I’d be a lesbian Reject these weird new words We already have words that work fine.”

Well, what exactly does this new term mean?

Gynosexuality, sometimes spelled gynosexuality, is a sexual orientation that describes someone who is attracted to femininity. This means that a person of any gender can be gynosexual, as long as they are attracted to someone who identifies as female or who expresses feminine characteristics.

The term “gynosexuality” is derived from the Greek words “gyne” (meaning “woman”) and “sexual”. It is often used interchangeably with the term “gynephilia”, which also refers to sexual attraction to femininity. However, some people prefer to use the term “gynosexuality” because it is more inclusive of people who do not identify as strictly female.

It is important to note that gynosexuality is not the same as heterosexuality. Heterosexuality is a sexual orientation that describes someone who is attracted to people of the opposite sex. Gynosexuality, on the other hand, is a sexual orientation that describes someone who is attracted to femininity, regardless of the person’s sex.

For example, a gynosexual person who identifies as male could be attracted to a woman, a non-binary person who identifies as feminine, or even a transgender man who expresses feminine characteristics.

Some examples of gynosexual people are a man who is attracted to women and feminine-presenting non-binary people. Also non-binary person who is attracted to women and other feminine-presenting people. And a transgender woman who is attracted to women.

So, in short, if you are a man, a woman, or whatever you choose to call yourself, if you have a sexual attraction to women then you are gynosexual.

The question now is, will people adopt this term? Few, if any, have accepted the term “cis gender” to describe people who are not trans. Transsexuals adopted this as a way to describe people who do not feel uncomfortable with their born gender. It is meant to keep people from using words like “normal” when talking about the issue.

The real question for the term gynosexual is “will the world’s serious dictionaries like Webster’s adopt it?”



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