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Buildots’ Aviv Leibovici Tells JBN How Company Helps Construction with High-Tech


Buildots’ Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder Aviv Leibovici (courtesy)

Buildots is an Israeli startup that is building the “data-driven” construction site. The company’s tagline is, “One central platform connecting all aspects, connecting you straight to reality.” Buildots’ Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder Aviv Leibovici spoke with Jewish Business News about the company, how it started and what it plans for the near future.

Founded in 2018 by Aviv Leibovici, CTO Yakir Sudry and CEO Roy Danon, Buildots explains that construction needed to continuously see through walls and up buildings. It needed data that was intelligent, predictive, conclusive, and connected, advanced AI and integrations that eliminate errors, delays and extremely expensive mistakes, and it needed technology that could bring peace of mind to everyone involved.

In only three years, Buildots went from just the three co-founders to over 200 employees spanning two continents.

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Aviv Leibovici, at Buildots, told Jewish Business News that he started the company, in part, because he wanted to build on his science background that he cultivated during service in the IDF.

“My fellow co-founders and I were looking to find a field in which we could use our data and systems expertise to significantly impact real world problems, Leibovici said. “We looked into different industries at the time, including healthcare, agriculture, and others. We met a friend of a friend who works in construction, and he convinced us that there is no industry in which the need for new, relevant, technologies exists as much as in construction – and that the industry will embrace it as it is desperate for helpful, innovative tools. We then indeed started looking into construction and basically never looked back.”


Buildots Tech in Action

Aviv Leibovici explained that Buildots product is special, different from the competition, in that was designed from day one to be a “tool useful for the critical operations on construction sites themselves. To do this, it needed to have very credible and operational data that project managers could use to deliver their projects better.”

He went on to say that in order to achieve this goal they combined technology that can read different kinds of building designs and understand project expectations, together with AI that can analyze videos documenting construction site progress and comparing them the design plans.

“Ultimately, this combination makes Buildots the only product that is truly used day to day on construction sites to increase efficiency on various levels,” he boasted.

In addition, to make the experience non-intrusive, the company needed the technology to be able to accurately position a camera inside the building without requiring GPS, something which is often not available. They solved this technological challenge at a level of accuracy (just a few centimeters) that was never previously achieved.

As for what is in store for the company in the near future, Aviv Leibovici said that it is always looking to expand offerings and to do more for their clients.

“We are currently working with a number of customers on very powerful capabilities and processes that will take construction efficiency to the next level. Having seen tremendous success in the UK,” he said, “as well as across Europe and Israel, we are now largely focused on building upon our solid customer base in the US and Canada, where we expect tremendous growth over the next year.”



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