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Its Official! Muslim Kosovo To Open Jerusalem Embassy

From Official Twitter of Hashim Thaci, President of Kosova

After days of rumors, it was announced on Friday that Kosovo would not only establish diplomatic ties with Israel but also place its embassy in Jerusalem. Kosovo will become the first and only Muslim majority country to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. And fellow former Yugoslav republic Serbia will move its embassy to Jerusalem too.

This will surely be met with condemnation from the Palestinian Authority and just about every Arab and Muslim nation in the world. Certain political pundits in America will probably now lament the fact that Israel has been given another “gift” without having to make any concessions in return. President Trump will be sure to use this as part of his reelection campaign.

The news came after a special summit was held at the White House with representatives from both Serbia and Kosovo.

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Now four countries in the world officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel, The United States, Kosovo, Guatemala and Serbia.

Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on Friday: “Kosovo will be the first Muslim-majority nation to open an embassy in Jerusalem. As I said in recent days the circle of peace is expanding and more nations are expected to join.”

“I thank my friend President Vucic of Serbia for his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move their embassy. I also want to thank my friend Donald Trump for his contribution to this achievement,” added Netanyahu.

Hashim Thaci, President of Kosova, tweeted: “I welcome the announcement of Israeli PM @netanyahu about the genuine intention to recognize #Kosovo and establish diplomatic relations. Kosovo will keep its promise to place its diplomatic mission in #Jerusalem”

President Donald Trump tweeted: “Another great day for peace with Middle East – Muslim-majority Kosovo and Israel have agreed to normalize ties and establish diplomatic relations. Well-done! More Islamic and Arab nations will follow soon!”



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