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Ya’alon: ‘Those who lead us must do so based on ethics’

The resigning minister of defense is addressing the media and his decision to take a break from political life; Ya’alon tendered his resignation on Friday morning.

Moshe Ya'alon addressing the press Friday afternoon (Photo Motti Kimchi)


After resigning on Friday morning both from the position of defense minister and as an MK, Moshe Ya’alon held a press conference at noon in Tel Aviv at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

At the conference, Ya’alon began by stating that, though he was taking a break, he did “not intend to leave political and public life.”

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“In all my actions and decisions, I saw before my eyes the security of the state and its good before every other consideration.”

Ya’alon addressed the political storm that led to his resignation, “I found myself in difficult political arguments with the prime minister over matters of values, fighting the racism that has permeated throughout the IDF and damaged it.”

He continued, “Fundamentalist influences have takevn over Likud. This is not the same Likud that I joined. A spirit of fracturing is ruling the movement.

“Senior politicians chose the path of incitement. It’s unbearable that we should be divided in a lust for power. A position of leadership does not subject itself to polls and the pervailing public mood.”

On Sunday afternoon, the IDF general staff is to hold a modest farewell ceremony for Ya’alon.

In a message posted to his Twitter feed and Facebook page on Friday morning, Ya’alon wrote, “I informed the prime minister this morning that following his recent actions and developments, and given the lack of faith in him, I am resigning from the government and the Knesset and taking a break from political life.”

Via Ynet News

President Rivlin’s comments following the resignation Defense Minister of Lt. Gen. (Res.) Moshe Ya’alon:

“I am greatly saddened by the resignation of Lt. Gen. (Res.) Moshe Ya’alon. Against the background of recent events, the break from political life he is taking is understandable, and even appropriate, but at the same time represents a great loss to us all. I am hopeful that he will restore his energy, and soon return to serve the people and the country.”



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