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George Soros Visits Bengali Camps on Fact Finding Mission

George Soros

George Soros, hedge fund manager and founder of Open Society, visited refugee camps in Sittwe Bengal on a fact finding mission, as reported by eleven. The philanthropist aims to bring humanitarian aid to the region and stimulate economic development. Soros met with chief minister Rakhine State and Maung Maung Ohn. He went to various refugee camps and talked to people there about their living conditions and improvements they would like to see. He also discussed education, health and sources of income.

George Soros founded the Open society with projects in over 100 countries. According to the website, the Open Society aims to realize “the idea of the open society–where rights are respected, government is accountable, and no one has the monopoly on the truth.”

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Since its inception, the organization has provided scholarships during black South Africans during the Apartheid era, xerox machines in the Soviet block so citizens could copy banned texts, founded universities devoted to open thought in Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism, provided free legal services to those unjustly imprisoned. Soros also strove to bring the Roma people of Europe into the mainstream through educational projects, and has made efforts to bring transparency to natural resource industries and fight corruption. “My success in the financial markets has given me a greater degree of independence than most other people, ” said Soros. “This allows me to take a stand on controversial issues. In fact, it obliges me to do so because others cannot.”



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