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QualiSystems Releases Higher Productivity Platform CloudShell 6.1

Productivity Platform

QualiSystems, an Israeli provider of DevOps orchestration and automation solutions for IT infrastructure, network, development and test organizations, has released its CloudShell 6.1 software.

The company stated that its development of 6.1 was heavily driven by customers’ need for the ability to share orchestration they develop on the CloudShell platform to drive higher productivity across and between organizations.

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The enhanced version has been updated with a suite of several new features that allow the creation, import, export, merging and synchronization of full orchestration and automation stacks-called CloudShell Packages—between separate CloudShell deployments.

The new package can include any of the following orchestration components: Low-level interface libraries; Service abstraction automation objects; Data models; Infrastructure environment models; Provisioning automation workflows; Infrastructure resource libraries.

Separate CloudShell deployments are maintained by separate teams such as software developers, QA, information security and compliance. Users can share orchestration packages, which enables greater DevOps collaboration. Creating the infrastructure environments and orchestration during the R&D phase and sharing that infrastructure as packages to downstream teams reduces the time to productivity and reduces the lead time from ideation to market delivery, asserted Qualisystems.

Ecosystems such as technology manufacturers, distribution and systems integration channels. Each ecosystem can utilize distributed CloudShell deployments along with synchronized CloudShell packages designed and shared by manufacturers to enable the automation of certified provisioning templates, leading to more rapid and consistent product delivery and higher quality outcomes for end-customers. In addition, CloudShell Packages can be used to speed the transfer of essential customer environment information to enable rapid technical support problem replication and fix resolution.

CloudShell’s open architecture, customers and partners can develop their own custom CloudShell Packages. This allows organizations to develop their own orchestration Intellectual Property (IP) on the CloudShell platform.

QualiSystems will also develop and offer a library of its own certified CloudShell Express Packages for download by CloudShell customers, easing orchestration deployments and speeding time to value. CloudShell Express Packages will be designed to further ease the ability for users to remain in complete control of their environments while maintain dynamic workflow.

“CloudShell Packages is built on CloudShell’s truly agile, object-based architecture and was driven by the vision of some of our most forward-thinking customers, ” said Alex Henthorn-Iwane, Vice-President of Marketing for QualiSystems. “Infrastructure orchestration portability opens a new world of possibilities for innovation, collaboration and productivity, and we’re excited to see what it will enable our customers to accomplish.”



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