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Micahael Bloomberg’s Chicago Congresswoman Pushing Anti-Gun Report

Congresswoman Kelly’s district, Illinois’ 2nd, includes sections of Chicago plagued by gun violence.

Rep. Robin Kelly
U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) is the official author of the Kelly Report, a new plan identifying a long list of gun control initiatives anti-gun activists are prepared to push in the near future. But the NRA is accusing Kelly of being merely the mouthpiece for former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whose Independence USA PAC has contributed $2.1 million to Kelly’s congressional campaign last year.

Kelly was elected to fill the Chicago-area seat previously held by fellow gun control supporter Jesse Jackson, Jr., who is doing time in federal prison.

The report, titled Kelly Report: Gun Violence in America, says Congresswoman Kelly’s district, Illinois’ 2nd, includes sections of the city of Chicago that have been plagued by gun violence. She believes that gun violence isn’t just an urban problem—it’s an American epidemic—and is committed to stopping the bloodshed, in all communities, across the country.

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In her first year in Congress, according to her report, Kelly met scores of families of victims of gun violence whose stories of love and loss left an indelible mark.

This report, states Kelly, is dedicated to them, to other families who live in harm’s way, and to the gun violence prevention advocates working on the front lines every day to make America safe/

The Kelly Report consists of essays by gun control supporters, followed by a long list of gun control legislation and other efforts they support. Anti-gun activist groups represented in the report include Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, the Brady Campaign, the Educational Fund to End Gun Violence, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and Americans for Responsible Solutions.

The report advocates two gun control restrictions intended to achieve universal gun registration incrementally. They are universal background checks—a Bloomberg priority, and repealing the law that limits the amount of time that the FBI can retain records on people who pass background checks to buy guns.

Kelly also calls for gun registration.

The report advocates a federal assault weapon and large magazine ban more severe than the ones that were in effect between 1994 and 2004, gun owner licensing, repealing Stand Your Ground laws, opposing the Right-to-Carry, empowering the Consumer Products Safety Commission to regulate the manufacture of firearms, prohibiting unlicensed and mail order ammunition sales, reporting people who purchase 1, 000 or more rounds, removing restrictions on public access to BATFE firearm trace data, repealing the federal law that prohibits frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearm industry, requiring ballistic fingerprinting, pursuing smart gun technologies, and using taxpayer funds to pay for research that
promotes gun control.

Needless to say, the NRA is not happy. An article in the NRA’s Daily caller suggested that regardless of who’s behind the Kelly Report, it’s a reminder of “how gun control supporters think and what they intend to do, once they have the votes in Congress and the state legislatures.”



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