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Adam Brotman to bring wireless charging mats to Starbucks

Brotman, chief digital officer of the  Starbucks Chain will be overseeing an ambitious project to provide Smartphone and tablets charging facilities in the more than 10, 000 outlets that the coffee house chain operates in the United States.  

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Adam Brotman, in his role as chief digital officer of the Starbucks Chain needs to keep his finger on the pulse of developments in the world of mobile technology and communications.

That’s the reason why he will be the driving force behind one of the company’s most forward seeing initiatives, to provide wireless charging mats- starting from their US outlets and gradually working their way across the world.

In the Western world the number of Smartphones and tablets in circulation are rising at an astounding rate, and Starbucks want to create a situation where their customers can simulaneously replenish  their daily dose of caffeine while recharging their mobile  batteries.

Starbucks will begin a planned procedure  to equip all the coffee bars in the chain with PowerMats (an Israeli Company)  from Duracell, which will enable customers to recharge their mobile devices without the need to carry  a power cable.

According to a Brotman  the nationwide rollout is scheduled to be completed by sometime in 2015, with the company’s subsidiary Teavan Fine Teas + Tea Bars stores also part of the plan to offer the latest in wireless charging technology, with similar rollouts in Europe and Asia expected to get underway within a year.

Starbucks has reportedly been testing the possibilities of installing PowerMats in their stores for more than two years, with a trial run  having been run  since then in the group’s 17 coffee shops in Boston, Massachusetts.




In a recent  statement Adam Brotman confirmed that the company were satisfied with te results of the trial, and particualrly the  customer response to the pilot tests and plans are now well in place to expand the service in order to provide our customers a quality and reliable experience,

Brotman went on to confirm  that the management at Starbucks are well aware that customers visit the coffee bars to enjoy some  respite, while others use it as their office away from home or as a place to meet up with friends and family.

” If we can make their visit even more comfortable by providing the service, then we are happy to do so. “  Brotman summed up.

Brotman is in charge of all of Starbucks core digital businesses, including not only Wi-Fi but also mobile and mobile payments, web, card, e-commerce, and the Starbucks Digital Network.



Adam Brotman graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Juris Doctor from the University of Washington.

Prior to joining Starbucks in April 2009, Adam held several key leadership positions at leading digital media companies, and most recently was CEO of Barefoot Yoga Company, a Seattle-based e-commerce company. Before Barefoot Yoga, Adam  served as Senior Vice President at the digital image licensing and e-commerce company Corbis.







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