Health New Researches
When you take acetaminophen to reduce your pain, you may also be decreasing your empathy for both the physical and social aches that other...
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When you take acetaminophen to reduce your pain, you may also be decreasing your empathy for both the physical and social aches that other...
'Second skin' polymer could also be used to protect dry skin and deliver drugs
While it’s known that metabolism slows when people diet, new research indicates that metabolism remains suppressed even when people regain much of the weight...
Brain death is the definition of death and is as final as cardiac death An American company's techniques to reverse brain death will be...
The findings are in contrast to previous research which showed marriage has a protective effect on health, lowering the risk of a heart attack,...
...But a 'Western' diet is not associated with an increased risk,
Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center researchers show the link between exposure to pharmaceutical contaminants and consumption of fresh produce grown in reclaimed wastewater-irrigated...
If people can keep a lower weight for 12 months, they retrain their body to accept it -- making the loss easier to maintain.
In tests for responses to pain, heat, and stimulation, no major difference was found between men who are circumcised and those who are not.
A better understanding of the effect of mechanical forces on blood vessel assembly in engineered tissues aids optimal growth of new blood vessels after...