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Nichola Ludlam-Raine is a specialist Registered Dietitian with fifteen years of clinical experience working for the NHS.
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Nichola Ludlam-Raine is a specialist Registered Dietitian with fifteen years of clinical experience working for the NHS.
While sexting may be socially acceptable these days, it still comes with many rule that people should follow in order to ensure that no...
New research delves into the science of attraction, suggesting pupil dilation (size) could play a surprising role in how sexy someone appears.
Super Synchronizers: Individuals who unconsciously align physical rhythms with others. Research shows they can match heart rates, breathing patterns, and hormone levels.
Gen Z-ers – or Zoomers as some people calls them – no longer meet new people in person.
Gen Z's Risky New Sex Trend: Health Experts Warn of Dangers
Sadfishing can be both a narcissistic ploy for attention and a desperate cry for help hidden behind a mask of negativity.
A six-month study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University and Tel Hai Academic College has revealed a complex picture of Israeli resilience during...
Nearly half (47%) of Gen Z consider a 5-10 minute grace period acceptable before deeming someone late.
Conceived by Fanvue, a platform for AI-generated content, Miss AI features contestants meticulously crafted using sophisticated computer programs.