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I consider Binyamin Netanyahu as the grave-digger of our state, the man who sets the course towards catastrophe, the man who obstructs any chance...

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  In June 2014, the Grand Ayatollah al-Sistani, the foremost Shia leader of Iraq, issued a fatwa encouraging Iraqi Shias to take up arms...

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IN 1975, I was stabbed in the chest at the door of my apartment. The assassin missed my heart by millimeters. He was caught...

The A-List

SO NOW we have another anti-Semite. Mazal Tov (“good luck”) as we say in Hebrew. His name is Ban Ki-moon, and he is the...

The A-List

IN ANY list of Israel’s 100 most important women, Ilana Dayan would occupy a prominent position. Dayan (no relation to the late general with...

World News

WHEN THE State of Israel was founded, the new foreign minister, Moshe Sharett, did something that seemed quite natural. He sold his private apartment....

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SOMETIMES, A small incident can pierce the darkness and reveal a frightening picture. This happened last Sunday in Beersheba, the capital of the Negev....

The A-List

ISRAELI DEMOCRACY is sliding downwards. Sliding slowly, comfortably, but unmistakably. Sliding where? Everybody knows that: towards an ultra-nationalist, racist, religious society. Who is leading...


Boycott Movement (BDS) Claims Victory as Veolia sell-off its final investment in the country on Tuesday.

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BINYAMIN NETANYAHU is not known as a classical scholar, but even so he has adopted the Roman maxim Divide et Impera, divide and rule....

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