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Dear Michael: My name is Michael Laitman, and I am a Jew living in Israel. Your Story about the experience your son had had...
Jews and non-Jews alike know we have been given the task to be a light for the nations.
As our world incessantly moves toward the extremes, fascism, racism, fundamentalism, Nazism, and anti-Semitism are constantly on the rise. Everyone is taking sides, and...
Kabbalah.info released an infographic containing commons reasons why people have hated Jews throughout history, as well as a statistical analysis of anti-Semitism in...
Multiculturalism is a means of teaching children about themselves by exploring different cultures, whether these cultures are foreign to them, or their own. While...
In October 2014, I had the privilege of meeting with Hebrew University Professor Robert S. Wistrich, head of the Sassoon International Center for the...
The majority of my family was wiped out by the Holocaust. Growing up as a young child in the wake of such a...
I think that it is more than symbolic that Israel’s Independence Day comes just a week after the Holocaust Memorial Day. To me, it...
Op-ed: It won’t be long before Trump implies that the Jews themselves are stimulating anti-Semitism in the US in order to undermine his presidency.