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Silicon Valley is a home to more than 10, 000 Israelis and many Israeli startups
Natalie Portman‘s new movie “Jackie” is a hit with critics and may even get her another Oscar nomination. Oh ya, she’s pregnant too. The...
Speaking to the International Space University at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Second man to walk on the Moon, palns...
He's well ahead of other presidential candidates
Among them are 59 olim who will begin new lives as ‘lone soldiers’ in the Jewish State
Ina Ginsburg’s life and legacy were forever changed by her close relationship with the Pop artist and provocateur Andy Warhol.
In an era characterized by political polarization and policy paralysis, we should celebrate broad agreement on economic strategy wherever we find it. One such...
Just imagine: Israeli-born American actress Natalie Portman will star as the late former first lady of the United States Jacklyn Kennedy in “Jackie, ”...
At the recent Summit of the Americas in Panama, Cuban President Raúl Castro chose to break with the agreed protocol. Instead of speaking for...
In fiscal year 2014, the TSA collected a whopping $675, 000 in loose change across U.S. airports.