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In the summer of 2015, on the streets of Berlin, a gang of drunks approached an Israeli and German woman, who were speaking...
Kabbalah.info released an infographic containing commons reasons why people have hated Jews throughout history, as well as a statistical analysis of anti-Semitism in...
The conspiracy theories surrounding Jews and Israel espoused by Oberlin College Professor Joy Karega, first reported on Thursday by The Tower, have prompted a...
Reports of anti-Semitism at one of the UK’s most prestigious universities have emerged after a leader of the Oxford University Labour Club (OULC) resigned after he saw...
The shocking results of a French survey that spanned the period before and after the Hyper Cacher attacks; 60 percent of the French believe...
More than 8, 000 Jews left France for Israel in 2015 – a rate far higher than anywhere else in Europe
American star Michael Douglas and Jewish Agency head Natan Sharansky will visit three U.S. university campuses to talk about Israel and modern anti-Semitism....
Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism in the British parliament and Labour Party member John Mann spoke at the British...
I believe the time has come to clear up some misconceptions about anti-Semitism. 1) What is anti-Semitism, and what it isn’t? Anti-Semitism...
In Rome, world Jewish leaders urge end to violence and immediate resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks