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A decreased compared to 2015; Russia topped the Aliyah chart in 2016; large decline in the number of immigrants from France,
decline in French immigration to Israel blamed on Israeli government
Despite fears of terrorism and anti-Semitism in the country, a 42% drop in French Jewish people making aliyah has occurred this year; one major...
Some 200 new immigrants and participants in Jewish Agency teen programs will land in Israel tomorrow September 1, aboard three flights, two from...
To each their own: while French olim insist on an apartment with a balcony, US olim prefer to gut and renovate from scratch, Canadians...
Since December 2014, The Fellowship has led a major immigration effort that has brought more than 3, 280 Jews on 27 flights from Ukraine...
IF I were a cartoonist, I would draw Israel as a length of hose pipe. At one end, Jews are flowing in, encouraged by...
The Fellowship has received more than 5, 000 calls in recent months from French Jews about aliyah, expects numbers to climb after latest attack
Hundreds of Jewish leaders from around the world will gather in Paris next week as the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency...