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The A-List

According to the filmmaker, David Deri, it was a gigantic "conspiracy" (his word) by the Ashkenazis to have the Oriental Jews come to Israel,...

The A-List

THE FLOOD of corruption affairs that is now engulfing the Netanyahu family and its assistants and servitors does not seem to diminish his popularity...

The A-List

  I HAVE a confession to make: I don’t hate Benjamin Netanyahu. I don’t hate Sara’le either. I generally don’t hate people. With the...

The A-List

The bloom of the almond is, in German, Mandelblüt. Mandelblit is also the name Israel's chief legal official, called "the Legal Advisor of the...

The A-List

  WHAT THE HELL am I? An Israeli? A Jew? A peace activist? A Journalist? An author? An ex-combat soldier in the Israeli army?...

The A-List

  MANY YEARS ago, right after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, I was asked to write a book about the events. Rachel...

The A-List

When Pence started to speak, the Arab MK's stood stood up and waved placards protesting Trump’s recent recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of...

The A-List

WHEN I first met Yasser Arafat in besieged Beirut, in the summer of 1982, Abu Mazen was not present. But when I met him...

World News

Who is Yair Netanyahu, Bibi's Son? What does he do for a living? The answer: Nothing. Now we know that he a regular at...

The A-List

I AM angry with the Mizrahi elite. Very angry indeed. Mizrah is the Hebrew word for East. Eastern Jews are those who lived for...