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The PR firm GSG released a statement saying that it is their "clear understanding" that they are not firm is not the target of...
Ceglia's attorney says he has no idea where he is.
“You can slap on a new coat of paint and tune up the engine. You can even put an Oscar winner at the wheel....
“It's true that it's unethical, but who the fuck cares?"
Virginia Roberts' attorney insists her client is reliable, and the 1998 case was dropped due to lack of evidence
In numerous cases, Orthodox Jewish husbands have taken advantage of the get law as a bargaining chip against their wives.
OK, I know, it's hard to keep a straight face when you're thinking about the MILFs and the BIFFs going to wa.
Funny Or Die Becomes the vehicle for First Lady's "Eat Brighter" campaign
A bunch of the 1, 000 or so fans had been booked to appear with McCartney on Sunday’s “SNL” special.
Steve Cohen and other hedge fund managers provide major tax revenues to their states