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World News

IT IS a rather disgusting spectacle. The Israeli Right has won a crushing election victory. (On closer examination, the victory was not quite so...


The Hebrew term for the item is "Tlai Tzahov, " or yellow patch.


  MY FIRST reaction after the election was: “Oh, no! Not a National Unity Government, please! In my first article after the election, I...

World News

ONCE A Soviet citizen went to vote. He was given a sealed envelope and told to put it in the ballot box. “Could I...

World News

As tense and crazy as this pre-election period has been, it won’t compare to what happens after the votes are counted.

World News

Officials also expect the new deal to seriously damage U.S.-Israel relations, on account of the Israelis hoping to avoid being nuked in their sleep...

The A-List

The dissolution of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, just a day after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sacked two senior cabinet ministers, marks a surprising turnabout....

World News

On Thursday night, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, chairman of the Israel Beitenu party, left Israel for Paris, France, quietly, without an official announcement....

World News

Originally published by The Jewish Press Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is touring Israel this week in a business and pleasure trip that also is...


– Alibaba representatives visited Israel earlier this week, and met with e-commerce, Internet, and mobile startups. –   After holding the largest IPO ever,...